Waiting for the right moment

I have a lot going on in my personal life (I got COVID and was knocked on my rear for two weeks – hurray!) but let's face it, I have always been quite slow at updating this, even when I'm very excited.  I had some unspoken rule to myself that I wouldn't write a new post until I had completed tinkering with the new theme and integrating some new features.

The problem with that?  It's been almost a year since I last posted.  Who knows when I'm going to be done making the new theme just right?  Am I really going to wait to post a new entry until it's done?

I woke up with a fire today. (Not a real one!  I meant in my heart. ;;) I actually had an idea for a post. (Not this one – an actual post with something to say.  It's about story in video games and the betrayal of a series.)  I had these thoughts brewing and it would soon be time to actually Write The Thing.  How long would I sit on that post?  I can't keep waiting for something to happen to move forward with my content.

And that realisation struck a major chord with me.  I'm reminded of every time I stopped writing because I was waiting for a solid idea.

We all have slumps, especially after we've written something very meaningful to us.  This doesn't mean we should stop creating.  Waiting for your next big idea, or waiting until you have that perfect workspace is just folly.  It's true, I am a Master Procrastinator, but even I can see through that flimsy excuse.

Nothing will ever be perfect. You never know when the next "big idea" will come and waiting for it means you're not practicing your craft, cultivating a fertile environment for creativity.  By waiting to post until I finish the new redesign, I'm not getting my thoughts out there; I'm not making connections and building a habit of writing consistently.

What does this mean?  Things will probably look kind of ... lowkey around here for awhile.  Eventually I will get the new theme and design up, but I'm tired of waiting until it's done.